Christianity Shocks #1

This is another shock regarding Christianity, I am not sure about the people who translated the bible, whether deliberately changed the words for making Jesus a Sinless Man God or this was again a translation mistake. Well let me explain what I learned new. Every one, at least every christian would have known the below phrase,

“Love thy Neighbor”

Which is termed universally as the Christian Motto, claiming that the religion is the most accepting regardless of caste, race, ethnicity and various other divisions across the humanities.

But little did we know that the original translation of the above line in Hebrew is Love your neighbouring jewish brother. Isn’t it a classic example for racistic beliefs?

I am most definitely convinced that this is a proof of Christianity that it’s a made-up-of-lies-and-made-by-cheats religion.

I’m not having a bit of sadness, fear about talking about the flaws in Christianity, because Jesus himself broke the tradition and found flaws in the original religion Judaism.

I try to follow Jesus, I’m just doing a bit of what Jesus himself did years ago.

So, What do you think about the post? Angry šŸ˜” or agreeing, mention in the comments below.

Happy exploring