What if women develop fangs in …?

Most rapes happen only to women of all ages. Initially I had the wrong idea that only Men with narrow and backward thoughts, with low self esteem and desperation raped women. But, hey, it’s not true because, they’re raping even 8 months old babies, tearing up their small private parts knowing they’re literally helpless and leave them to die.

What can be the reason for this? Probably they just need to release their frustration off their body. Probably they don’t have moral standards. Probably they don’t have supportive families and friends. Probably they are mentally ill.

It’s high time that women species do something about this. Below are some ways I could come up with for addressing the issue.

  • Never leave an infant alone with or without an adult man.
  • Mothers are partially responsible for whatever’s happening to their baby till it can speak properly.
  • Teaching children to speak clearly about anything without fear
  • Teaching children to self defend once they are about 8
  • Teaching children to control their emotions when they are about 10
  • Teaching children about sex only when they have mastered the above steps.

If we don’t have techniques to curb the issue that questions the survival of the female species, soon, Evolution will take over and women will get sharp fangs in their private parts which will cut off the private part of the men and keep as food for the embryo which might have formed like in insects.